AMA Citation | A Quick Guide with Example
If you are using AMA style in your medical paper (essay, term paper, or research paper), understanding the requirements and specific instructions is mandatory. AMA style stands for American Medical Association, a type of formatting style widely used to cite sources in medical papers. It was developed in 1963 by editors of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) to specify how works in medicine are written and cited. Now in its 11th edition, the AMA style guide provides instructions on how to cite, reference, write, and manuscript styling. Using AMA style in your medical papers ensures clarity, uniformity, and clear organization of your paper. Additionally, it boosts the credibility of your work, making it easier for readers to follow the flow of your paper.
In this guide, we will provide all the essential tips on how to format in AMA style.
What is AMA Style
AMA style of reference is an author-number style; a number is placed within the text corresponding to the author(s) listed as they appear- for instance, Smith6
AMA style includes these key concepts:
- Numerical in-text citations.
- A numbered reference list that gives complete information about the sources used in the paper.
General Formatting Guidelines for AMA
Before we dive into the specific aspects of the AMA style, first, it is essential to cover the basics;
- Page numbers should begin on the first page labeled (1) and continue in that order until the last page. The numbers must be right-aligned.
- Set margins to 1 inch on all sides of a standardized paper 8.5 x 11-inch paper.
- Double-space your work throughout the paper. Indent the first line of each paragraph by half an inch.
- Use 12-point Times New Roman or any other specified font and size.
- Spell out all acronyms the first time you use them.
- Use numerals for day and year and write out the month when writing dates within the text—for example, June 6, 1990.
Title Page Format in AMA Style
The title page is the first thing readers will see when you hand in the paper. However, there are no specific instructions on how to format the title page in AMA. That said, here are elements you should include in your AMA title page:
- Title, which should summarize the main idea of your paper.
- Author full name(s) without initials. If there is more than one name, separate the names using a semicolon
- Degree attained: this only applies to those above bachelors.
- Email addresses, if required.
- Institutional affiliation.
- Word count only for text; don't include a word count for title, abstract, references, tables, and figures).
Centre the title and all other elements and capitalize only the major words.
The upper half of the paper should have all the elements of the title page centered and double-spaced. Don't bold, italicize, or use a different font on the title page.
AMA Format for Abstract
A structured abstract in AMA format is only necessary if you are writing an original research paper, systematic review, or clinical review. An abstract should not be more than 250 words.
The abstract should come immediately after the title but on a separate page. The main aim of the abstract is to summarize all the main ideas in the paper. Here is what you should know when organizing the abstract section of the paper:
- Don’t repeat the title.
- Don’t include citations within the abstract.
- Don’t include tables and figures.
- Include the research question, if applicable.
- Every concept and data you mention within the abstract must also appear in the body of the paper.
- Spell out abbreviations whenever you mention them for the first time.
- Verify the numbers you provide in the abstract section against those appearing in the body of the paper.
- Provide 3-10 keywords to guide readers on what your paper is about.
Include the following headings whenever you write the abstract section in your AMA format:
- Importance.
- The purpose of the research and why you are pursuing it.
- Background. This provides the context of the paper.
- Methods section: Design, setting, participants.
- Results: Presentation of research data.
- Discussion: Interpretation of the findings, their implications, and limitations.
- Conclusion.
Please note that an AMA-style abstract is only used when the original article is unavailable. Always consult your instructor when in doubt.
Formatting the Body section of the AMA Paper
Your medical paper must be organized to easily integrate ideas and allow readers to follow your work easily. Depending on your instructor's instructions, organize your paper using appropriate headings. Additionally, use relevant heading levels to differentiate sections. Follow these instructions when formatting the different sections.
- Indent the first line of each paragraph by 1/2 inch.
- If you include block quotes, place them 1/2 inch from the left margin.
- Don't put any extra lines between paragraphs.
- For numbers, use Arabic numerals.
- Left align and italicized subsection headings.
AMA In-Text Citation
So, how do you cite AMA in-text citations? The AMA formatting style guide requires that you provide a superscript number that should appear at the end of the information you want to reference. In-text citation in AMA is necessary whenever you directly quote, summarize, or paraphrase information from a source (book, journal, newspaper, website, etc). Use superscript Arabic numerals in consecutive order and place them outside periods and commas but inside semicolons and colons eg,, .locked outside6; This applies to the text, table, and figures.
When you name the author (only the author's surname) of the source, follow immediately with a superscript number in numerical order. This means all in-text citations must appear numerically throughout your paper.
If no author is mentioned, provide the citation number at the end of the sentence after the period or exclamation mark, e.g., Smith reported the repercussions of not eating vegetables.6
If you cite multiple sources within the same sentence, place a comma to separate the numbers for those not in a consecutive series. For those in a consecutive order, use a dash between the numbers without any spaces between the numbers or commas. For instance, Dough et al 2, 3,6 recommend eating fruits every day.
Use the same superscript number if a reference is used multiple times within the text.
Consider using AMA in the text citation generator if you are having difficulty referencing sources in numerical order.
If using Microsoft Word, you can create superscripts by using the superscript or subscript buttons.
- Start by selecting the number you want to add to the superscript.
- Next, go to Home and select the superscript or subscript.
Alternatively, you can use keyboard shortcuts.
- Start by selecting the number to add as a superscript.
- Press ctrl, shift, and the plus sign simultaneously.
AMA Reference List
A reference list in AMA style must include all sources used in the paper in numerical order. The following are general rules you must follow when citing the same superscript number in the reference section.
- The reference list page must be titled "reference list" to inform readers that this is where all your information sources are. Left-align the title and
- All the information in the references must be justified and double-spaced.
- List sources in the order they appear within the paper. If the quotations extend to the following line, do not indent. List authors' names beginning with the first name, followed by the middle initials without periods. For journal articles, follow PubMed abbreviations.
- For online articles, use DOI instead of URL. If no DOI is given, use URLs and ensure they are as specific as possible.
- For book titles, capitalize all major words.
How to Cite Books in AMA
So, how do you cite books in AMA format?
- For a single author: Author AA. Title of the Book. Location: Publisher; Year: Page-Page.
- For multiple authors (2 to 6): Author AA, Author BB. Title of the Book. Location: Publisher; Year: Page-Page
- Seven or More Authors: Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, et al. Title of Work. Location: Publisher; Year: Page-Page.
- Books with editors: Author(s), eds. Title of Book. Publication City, State: Publisher; year.
- Book with Chapters: Chapter Author(s). Chapter Title. In: Author(s), eds. Title of Book. Publication City, State: Publisher: year: page number(s).
- Book - Monographic Series: Author(s). Title of Book. Publisher City, State: Publisher; year. Series Title, No. Number in Series.
- Online Book: Author(s), eds. Title of Book. Edition. Publisher City, State: Publisher; year. URL. Accessed date.
- Group as Author Group (Acronym if applicable). Title of the Book. Location: Publisher; Year: Page-Page.
- Editors with no authors: Editor AA, ed. Title of the Book. Location: Publisher; Year: Page-Page.
Take note that all book titles are italicized in AMA. For Book chapter titles, only capitalize the first word.
Formatting Journals in AMA Style
If you have been asking what the correct way to format a journal article title in AMA style is, here is how to do it.
- Article - print, single author: Author. Article Title. Journal Abbreviation. Year; Vol (Issue): page numbers.
- Seven or More Authors: Author AA, Author BB, Author CC, et al. article's title. Abbreviated Journal Title. Year; Volume (Issue): Page-Page.
- Electronic Journal Article: Author AA. Article's Title. Abbreviated Journal Title. Year; Volume (Issue): Page-Page. URL. Published or Last updated date. Accessed date
- Electronic Journal Article: DOI Author AA, Author BB. Title of the article. Abbreviated Journal Title. Year; Volume (Issue): Page-Page. doi:xx.xxxx/xxxxxxxxxxxxxx.
- Article - no page numbers: Author(s). Title of the Article. Journal Abbreviation. Year; Vol (Issue). URL. Accessed date.
Citing a Website in AMA
When citing information from a website, provide these key elements in the following order:
- Author(s),
- Name of the group.
- Title of the specific item cited. If no title is given, provide the name of the organization responsible for the website.
- Name of the website.
- Publishing date.
- Updated date.
- Accessed date.
- Website URL.
Here is an example: Pelc C. Food Safety. Published September 6, 2022. Accessed September 8, 2022.
Formatting Reports, Conference Papers, Thesis & Dissertations, Lectures & Presentations in AMA Style
Here is how you can format the above in AMA style:
- Online Report: Author AA. Title of Report. URL. Published/Updated/Revised date. Accessed date
- Conference Paper or Proceedings: Presenter AA. Title of paper or presentation. Paper or Poster presented at: Conference Title; Month Day, Year; Location. URL. Accessed date.
- Thesis or Dissertation Author AA. Title of the Material. [dissertation or master's thesis]. Location: Institution; Year: Page-Page.
- Course Lecture or Lecture Notes Professor AA. Title of Lecture. [class lecture or class lecture notes]. Location: Institution; Date.
- Presentation (including PowerPoint) Author or Presenter AA. Title of presentation. Presented at: Event; Month Day, Year; Location. URL. Accessed date.
AMA Formatting for Tables, Boxes, and Figures
Tables, boxes, and figures must be placed as close as possible to the text where they have been mentioned. Here is how you should cite tables in AMA:
- Assign every table you use a number based on how it appears within the text. After the table number, provide a title to describe the title. It should be concise and written in title case. Every other element within the table should be in sentence case.
- When including dates in the tables, use numerals for the month.
- List the footnotes at the bottom of the table, each on its own line. However, according to AMA, for tables with more footnotes, use two columns for the footnotes.
What about figures and boxes? Well, just like tables, assign a number to each figure and box based on the order they appear within the body of the article. Immediately after the figures and boxes, provide a clear and concise title in the title case. All the other elements within them should be written in sentence case.
Here are examples to guide you: Examples of AMA formatting for Tables, Figures, and Boxes
Using Initialism, Acronyms, and Abbreviations in AMA
AMA discourages using abbreviations, Initialisms, and acronyms except for well-recognized terms. When you use them, spell them out when mentioning them for the first time, even if the initialisms, acronyms, and abbreviations are well known. Do not place periods between them.
Additionally, when stating state names, ensure they appear as full names within the article. When you are adding them to the reference list, use the two-letter abbreviation.
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The Bottom Line
AMA style uses superscript numbers, which are placed immediately after the referenced material. By following the AMA formatting style when writing a medical paper, you can create a clear, engaging, and professional paper. Always ensure that the formatting is correct and consistent throughout the paper to make it more credible and easier to follow.