History is a very interesting subject. Among the most common assignments in a history class is the research paper, which many students either dread or write casually and often fail.
A history research paper is academic writing requiring you to analyze both primary and secondary sources on specific history topics to answer a particular question. Since it presents an argument, you must support it with credible evidence throughout the paper. The primary purpose of a history research paper is to present a claim in the form of a thesis and then historically analyze the available evidence through social, political, and cultural trends. This explains why most students struggle to write an excellent paper.
Are you struggling to write an excellent history research paper? Do not despair because this article will provide you with all the steps and tips to write a fantastic history research paper.
A history research paper consists of three essential elements: the introduction, body, and conclusion.
This is the format that you should follow when writing a history research paper.
The introduction consists of a paragraph or two whose purpose is to;
Your introduction must be captivating enough to draw readers in and orient them to the key facts they should consider to understand the thesis. Use either a shocking fact, quotation, statistic, or complaint to catch readers' attention.
Additionally, your introduction must also set the tone of the paper by conveying how the topic is of vital concern.
Body of the History Research Paper
The body constitutes the bulk of the history research paper. It is where you argue the thesis to try to convince the readers why they should take your point of view. The body is made up of different paragraphs, each explaining a single point. Your paragraphs must have a minimum of sentences. Here is how you must organize the paragraphs:
The last part is the conclusion, which summarizes the main point of your history research paper. It should be a paragraph long unless told otherwise. The first sentence of the paragraphs must clearly and concisely restate the thesis statement. Next, it should summarize the main arguments without repeating what was discussed in the body. Finally, provide insights, a call to action, or questions for further research.
Ensure your conclusion tells readers why your argument is critical in the bigger scheme of things.
Follow these steps to write an excellent history research paper.
You must choose a good topic for your history research paper if your professor or instructor does not assign one to you. While it can be overwhelming, it actually gives you plenty of options to choose from. Follow these tips to select a topic that you can clearly argue in your paper.
Some good topics you should consider for your history research paper include:
To formulate a research question, review multiple sources relating to the chosen topic. Consider the following:
Take note that the question you choose for your history research paper is not set in stone. You may have to revise it a couple of times while reviewing sources. Remember, a good research question is not just a reflection of your opinion or research but also focuses on addressing the problem.
Conduct in-depth research to identify information that will help you argue your points. Take note that historians are like detectives who must critically evaluate their sources and review them for reliability. Ensure you use both primary and secondary sources to help answer your research question.
If your lecturer assigned the research topic, go through the sources provided in the assignment prompt. Sometimes, professors will assign source readings to answer a particular topic. If you must do outside sources, check your university catalog.
Please note that there is a difference between sources and evidence. Sources include raw materials that historians must analyze to gather evidence and assemble a historical argument. So, to gather this evidence, you must interrogate your sources carefully by asking the following questions:
Consider how many sources you will use for the particular assignment. The ideal sources are 3-4, but this will vary depending on your instructor's instructions or the complexity of the topic. However, please take note that even though the number of sources is essential, you must prioritize the quality of the sources.
While reviewing supportive evidence, it is also essential to identify those that are contrary to your main arguments.
Instead of a research question, your instructor may ask you to develop a thesis statement. The main difference between the two is that while a research question poses a query that guides an investigation of a topic to uncover new knowledge, a thesis statement asserts a specific argument about a topic, providing a concise summary that the paper will cover.
Since the thesis statement is the focus of your history research paper, every paragraph must refer back to it. A successful thesis answers the "so what" question. It should clearly tell readers why your arguments are historically relevant and significant. Since creating a great thesis statement for your history paper is challenging, do not expect to perfect it the first time. You must revise it a couple of times. That said, a successful thesis is on that:
If your thesis statement nails all of the above points, then you can begin writing your paper.
An outline will guide the flow of your history research paper from start to finish. Therefore, you must create one before writing. To create a good outline, first, you need to identify the main goal of your thesis, then outline the arguments you will need to support or dispute your thesis and organize all the source evidence.
The items in the outline should be the section headings of your paper. Every time you write each section, follow up with its purpose, then add the points you intend to discuss in the particular section. Ensure there is a logical flow of information and that readers can follow through without getting confused.
A great outline is simply your thesis statement and supporting evidence. Do not include too much information that will overwhelm you. Remember, the aim is to present a thesis and convince readers why your argument matters.
Consider creating graphics, especially if you are having writer's block. A nice graphic that can visualize your day or explain a complex concept will get you on the right path.
The bottom line is there is no right or wrong way to create an outline; just make sure to follow the format of a history research paper and highlight all the points that you intend to discuss. Ensure that the outline has a skeleton of the most important parts of your research paper.
Using the outline, begin writing your history research paper. If you are feeling overwhelmed, just know that you have handled over 50% of the work. Therefore, this part involves just putting words into paper. Write in coherent paragraphs; each point should make sense historically and must flow from one to the other.
As you write, ensure that you correctly cite all the sources used in the paper. Follow the formatting style recommended by your instructor. If none is provided, use the Chicago style. Ensure it is consistent throughout the paper. This will show that your paper has followed the appropriate academics and that it is credible.
If you have included contrary evidence, ensure you acknowledge them and touch on them briefly. Delving into them too much will undermine the evidence supporting your thesis.
Take a break once you are done writing so you can review your draft from a fresh perspective. Review each sentence in every paragraph for grammar, spelling, or punctuation errors. Read the paper aloud to catch up on any errors you have missed. Take advantage of the read-out feature of MS Word to help you with this.
Additionally, ensure that each argument is valid and supported by credible evidence. Check that it refers back to the main argument.
You can also check out our guide on writing history essays. In addition, should you notice that your paper is either long or short, consider using these tips to either make it longer or shorter.
Finally, create a great title paper for your research paper, detailing the title, your name, name of your professor, the unit code and name, and date of submission.
Following these tips will help distinguish a historical research paper from writings in another discipline.
All historical thinking should be written in the past tense. This is because of the composition of the events that occurred in the past. Therefore, you need to follow the same procedure for your historical research paper.
Additionally, write in an academic tone. Avoid using the first or second-person point of view. Phrases like “in my opinion" or "I think," are inappropriate to this type of writing.
Vague generalizations in historical writings are not allowed. Words like "People always refer to the Holocaust as a terrible event” or "once upon a time" are overly vague and contribute nothing to your paper.
Think of who your audience is, and then tweak the paper to suit them. Remember that your instructor must read tens or hundreds of these assignments, and the last thing you want to do is present the same thing others are. So, to avoid boring them, make sure that each word in your paper is bold and makes sense.
Do not make the mistake of relying too much on quotations from sources. Remember. Your instructor wants to see whether you can historically analyze a given material, so ensure you do not miss this chance by using too many quotes. Likewise, avoid rewording or summarizing a quote.
Only quote when you think the particular quote strengthens your arguments. If you are unsure when to quote, merge the author's ideas into your own.
Most students use many quotations because they fail to understand what is going on. So, ensure you review your sources carefully and then analyze them to extract the information necessary to support your argument.
Just like other types of academic writing, writing a history research paper is tough. However, when you understand all the steps to follow and the tips that you have at your fingertips, the process will be much easier. By following all the steps above, you can write an excellent research paper that critically analyzes the available evidence and answers the research question.
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