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Stay ahead of the game with a Customized Essay Grader Service

So, you have read the essay or paper prompt, selected a suitable topic, formulated an outline, written your thesis statement, and completed the first draft of your paper. While you expected this draft to fetch you higher grades, it surprisingly did not – you failed to impress your instructor. Well, it happens, and it is the very reason we established this grade for my essay service.

As a website that writes essays and papers, we have received many requests from students, from college to graduate levels, for a service that can enable them to know the grade their paper might get upon submission. So, being the caring and listening partners we are, we established an essay grading service. And unlike every other essay grader tool, our services are provided by real people.

We offer custom essay-checking services, including plagiarism check, grammar check, and general format check to grade your essay based on your rubric from class or our customized rubric. In short, we offer the best essay grading services. With this service, we have seen students improve their writing skills, achieve better grades, and maintain higher GPAs.

Gradecrest has been helping students like yourself with honing their writing skills. We always count on our strong expertise in offering unmatched academic services. Our native English writers have graduated from decorated universities and boast excellent writing and research skills.

To get ahead of the game, you need someone who understands the dynamics of essay writing. That way, you get to gauge your current performance (grade), make improvements, and turn around what would otherwise be a bad grade paper. Even though the writing center might offer you guidance, ours surpasses that. We offer significant insights through experienced academics who grade your essays for you. As the best website online that grades your essay, let us help you build success through well-written essays and assignments.

Why are Paper Grading Services Useful?

Achieving good grades on the papers that students write depends on how well they research, write, and proofread their papers. Some students can write well, while others need a little push to hone their writing skills. When you need assistance, other than using friends to correct mistakes in an essay, we assure you that an essay grader would do you great. The aim here is that you stop guessing but know the possible grade through our feedback on your paper.

With the infiltration of the internet with AI and other online tools, everybody is looking for a real person to provide a paper grading service. And we have the real people to grade your papers, share their insights, which can translate to using our essay proofreading or editing services. Here are some advantages of using a paper grader service:

Achieving Higher Grades

When all you need is to understand how your writing sounds, you can hire our experts to grade your essay. Our experts will check how you have crafted your introduction, the body paragraphs, and the conclusion. Additionally, they will also focus on using transition words, essay phrases and check the 3 Cs (coherence, conciseness, and competence) of your writing. As they focus on grammar, the experts will also check for plagiarism to determine whether your paper has the threshold to pass Turnitin or SafeAssign. The suggestions or feedback will be provided as a smart paper – a word document with comments on each line or paragraph of your essay, dissertation, or research paper. All these are done based on either the rubric you have from class or our custom-built rubric and checklist.

When you address the issues on our feedback, you can get a higher grade than the one we have given you. This way, our marking service helps you understand how professors and instructors grade your essays so that you can make vital changes before the actual submission. The tracking changes option in Microsoft Word or Google Documents is the two fundamental tools we utilize. They make it possible for the experts to highlight the areas that need change.

Boost your confidence

When experts mark your essay, you will submit your paper with the confidence of a lion. Since you will be sure that your essay or paper meets the requirements for a top grade, you will not be bothered that you failed to submit a great piece of work to your instructor.

Well, unless your instructor is one of those stingy ones that find it hard to give top grades even when a student deserves them, we guarantee you that 98% of our grade predictions turn out true.

You can pat yourself on the back for submitting a paper that meets all the requirements.

Hone your Writing Skills

Apart from boosting your confidence, having experts grade your essay further helps to hone your writing skills. The insights we share through word documents or google docs can come in handy when you need to understand the type of writer you are. For example, maybe you are that writer who researches well but fails to organize facts or forget to use transitions.

You will use the feedback to understand how to write titles, topic sentences, conclusion sentences and knit ideas together using academic writing phrases and transitions.

What we do that an online or AI essay grade tool will not

If you wonder whether all online grading tools have the same results. Well, some might not because they are bots. Here are some reasons to use our paper grader over an AI or internet-based grader.

  1. Our paper raters are people who understand the dynamics of writing to a level that machine learning cannot. After all, writing was invented by people and not computers. Computers are controlled by algorithms that borrow from what people have written.
  2. We will support you through marking your essay then you can request our editing services, which will further refine your paper to an excellent grade paper.
  3. We offer constructive essay and paper feedback within the best turnaround time.
  4. The essay graders generate a plagiarism report and advise on how to reduce plagiarism in your paper.
  5. Our service is consistent with the honor codes
  6. An experienced writer will read your essay, give it a grade, provide constructive feedback, but at a fee.
  7. We do not use robots, software, or algorithm. If anything, we only use grammar and plagiarism checkers as a final step. So, get an actual human to help you today.
  8. Our paper graders take deadlines seriously. Therefore, we will provide you feedback within a few hours and in under 24 hours if it is a long paper.
  9. Unlike the free paper grading services, we charge the fees for commitment and motivation to the person working on your paper.
  10. The paper graders will evaluate any missing citations, scan for misplaced words and run-on sentences, then guide you on appropriate formatting
  11. every feedback is in the form of smart paper. We utilize the comments and track changes feature in Microsoft Word and Google Docs
  12. If need be, we can comment on the writing style and impact given ethos, pathos, and logos.
  13. The paper raters check your paper’s scope and how well you articulate the arguments for or against the topic of interest
  14. Finally, we evaluate whether you have achieved the assignment requirements provided by your instructor/professor.

In short, we go the extra mile that online essay grader tools will not. Get advanced spell check, computer-generated comments/feedback, advice on verbiage, presentation, and organization to improve your paper before submission.

If you are constantly struggling with getting good grades on your essays and papers, you can use our help. Although we can also write your papers for you, you can use us to rate your essay. Filling the form tells us that you need “rate my essay” services, and we do it thoroughly.

Here is what to expect when we grade your essay for you

With our grading services, you will notice quite some improvement in your essay. You will get valuable insights to guide the changes you make henceforth. You will be grateful to get feedback from the professor because your writing will improve equally. And for an extra step, using an essay grading service, your grades will improve. Also, when you write your subsequent papers, you will understand what needs to fall where.

 Here are reasons to use our essay grader services:

In-line feedback

We use the comments facility in word processors to offer detailed feedback on your paper. You will end up with a marking or grading report that has comments. It is ideal to use these comments to make changes and understand the complex reasons behind a grade.

Direct communication with your essay grader

Once you place an order, our system allows you to exchange messages with your writer. You can ask questions regarding your grade, writing or seek clarification about a given comment. This is specifically useful for complex projects like thesis, dissertations, and proposals.

Paper Polishing Services Available

Once we have graded your papers, you can opt to make the changes on your own. Alternatively, you can use our professional editing and proofreading professionals to address the changes such as grammar, plagiarism, and spelling mistakes in your project paper. Our editors and proofreaders will re-structure, format, and polish your paper for the best grades.

First turnaround Time

Our paper markers understand the value of deadlines. We respect both short and long timescales. We also know that finishing essays, coursework, and dissertations alike depend on deadlines. Therefore, we can work within tight deadlines to deliver your marking/grading reports in under 24 hours.

Detailed Report

You will have a detailed report with comments about the specific paper. In addition, we provide actionable suggestions beyond the standard analysis and critique of your work. These suggestions can be used to improve your paper. We also advise on how tweaking the paper would help you achieve a given grade.

Grade Estimate

We will estimate your grade and customize feedback based on the university/institution’s rubric or our tailored rubric. In addition, we consider your academic level, subject, marking criteria, and technical parameters like grammar, punctuation, originality, citations, spelling, and flow. Yes, we can check your professional past paper exam answers (such as CIPD exams) to determine how you will score and advise on the best approach to ace them.

Experts grade every paper

No algorithms, AI, or copying and pasting on the website. You upload a paper; we match you to a professional academic with a proven track record and knowledge in your field/subject. All our experts have a wealth of knowledge in writing and thus grading/marking essays. We have supervisors who assess the experience you and your marker have to ensure that the advice you receive is valuable. Our website is the only website that will grade your essay accurately within the best time, early enough for remedies.

How to have a real person Grade your essay based on a tailored rubric

To get our instant essay grading services, you need to order marking/grading services. And the process is seamless, straightforward, and secure. Here are the steps to get our expert academics working on your paper:

1. Place an order and pay for it

Fill out our safe and secure order form and then pay for the service you want, in this case, Grade My Paper. To achieve this, select “Grading/ Marking” under the type of work. Select the academic level, deadline, spacing, and other particulars. Use your preferred payment method – either VISA or Mastercard.

2. Upload the relevant files

Upload the specific marking guide or rubric and the instructions provided on your canvas or through email from your professor. We stress the university, college, or high school-specific rubric because it is what your instructor benchmarks when marking. This allows us to mark your paper and give an accurate grade accurately.

3. Relax while we allocate you a paper rater

Our system has many essay graders that will exclusively work on your paper based on the requirements, deadlines, and academic levels. Our writers can match your paper to the marking guide, provide critical suggestions/comments, and give a predicted grade.

4. Receive, Revise, and Submit

Once done, you will receive your work within or before the chosen deadline, thanks to our fast turnaround times. Thus, you can have ample time to amend the essay, dissertation, proposal, thesis, or academic assignment before submitting it for actual marking. When you take the pieces of advice from our academics seriously and make improvements, you can get a desirable grade. Sometimes, if the paper is too far from the best grade, you can utilize our writing service to develop a paper that meets the rubric requirements. We even have an instant essay writer to help you with urgent essays required in a few hours.