How to Write a Problem Solution Essay: A Stepwise Guide

Last Updated: 20 August 2024 | Blog Author: Jeremy Miles

As instructors, we often get the question of how to write an outstanding problem solution essay that can attract the best grades. Given that we understand its complexity and importance, we have put together this guide to help anyone interested in mastering the art of writing one. From topic choice to proofreading, we've got you covered.

From today on, you will not have goosebumps at the mention of a problem solution essay because you will learn how to handle every part of it like a pro.

This comprehensive guide explores how to write a problem solution paper, including:

If you feel like all you need is help with crafting a winning problem solution essay, you can hire an essay writer. The best thing is that we can have someone write your last-minute problem solution essay in a matter of hours. If all you need is inspiration, pick a good space, sit, take notes, and write the best essay. Our guide's good thing is that it even lists some winning strategies needed to craft a proper introduction and conclusion.

What is a problem-solution essay?

Also known as proposing a solution essay or a problem-solving essay, a problem-solution essay is a piece of academic writing task where the student/writer defines, expounds on, and explores a given problem and its potential solutions. The essay comprises four pertinent parts, including situation, problem, solutions, and evaluation, which can be spread through the three parts of an essay: introduction, body, and concluding paragraphs.

The Four Structures of a problem-solution essay

We cannot emphasize enough the importance of an essay structure. Every great essay begins from an idea represented in an essay structure. It is the reason why writing an outline of an essay comes first before eventually writing the essay. There are two main approaches that you can use to present your problem and solution essay. You can either choose to describe the problem, then focus on the solutions or define the problem, then the solution and the various aspects of the solution as shown below. The type of problem solution essay structure you choose depends on the number of solutions you have for the problem.

Structure 1

If a problem has several solutions:

Introduction: Describe the problem

Body 1: One way to solve the problem

Body paragraph 2: Second solution to the problem

Body paragraph 3: Final way to solve the problem

Conclusion paragraph

Structure 2

If a problem has a single solution that can be described in many paragraphs:

Introduction: describe the problem

Body paragraph 1: Describe your solution

Body Paragraph 2: More information about the proposed solution

Body Paragraph 3: More information about the proposed solution


Structure 3

You can also use the chain method of writing an outline when writing the problem solution essay as below

Introduction (background and thesis statement)

Body paragraph 1: Problem 1 + solution

Body paragraph 2: Problem 2 + solution

Body paragraph 3: Problem 3 + solution

Evaluation and conclusion

Structure 4

You can as well adopt the block format of presenting problems and solutions in your essay. Here is how that looks:

Introduction (Background, hook, and thesis statement)

Body paragraph 1: Problems 1, 2, and 3

Body paragraph 2: Solutions 1, 2, and 3

Body paragraph 3: Feasibility of solutions 1, 2, and 3

Step-by-step guide on how to write a Problem Solution Essay

Knowing how to write a problem solution essay is an integral part of passing any given course or class.

It is a common type of written assignment given to students pursuing different subjects such as education, English, sociology, psychology, nursing, social work, counseling, and name it.

It aims to stimulate society to adopt different innovative, pragmatic, creative, and feasible/sustainable solutions to problems or issues. Currently, the world is grappling with many problems such as climate change, population explosion, human-wildlife conflicts, global warming, crime, organ trafficking, and the global pandemic, which can be subjects for finding a solution.

Writing a strong problem solution essay can be an eye-opener. Here is a stepwise approach on how to write a solution essay that stands out.

1. Choose an outstanding topic for your essay

Before thinking of writing a problem-solution essay, you need to select a topic that interests you, meets the requirements of the essay prompt/rubric, and allows you to present solutions with the support of facts from credible scholarly sources.

To select a great topic, begin by thinking about the things around you that present as problems that need solutions. As yourself these questions:

With the thoughts in mind, brainstorm about the ideas and note them down. Think of the social systems, financial systems, environment, transport, fashion, psychology, healthcare, corporate workplaces, and science, among other areas. Cast your net widely and evaluate the current debates on issues around the world.

To identify befitting topics, begin by thinking about different groups of people and the potential problems they might have. Some of the groups include the church, the community, a city/town, a state, sports team, clubs, sororities, political class, citizens, patients, teenagers, adolescents, infants, college students, professors, parents, families, males/females, race, cultures, or ethnicities.

The next step is to list potential problems that the people are encountering with the people in mind. In most instances, there might be efforts to solve such issues, although none is working; your new solutions could be an eye-opener and a better approach thereof. Note that problems do not necessarily have to be big; focus on a narrowed problem to get as much credible information and facts when writing the solutions.

As long as it is something that you can convince other people to adopt a solution for or one that can be made better, it befits a problem.

If you are still stuck with choosing a good topic, our list of over 200 problem-solution essay topics and samples can come in handy.

With the topic, you can now write your essay as per either of the structures we had highlighted earlier.

Ensure that the title is well written on the cover page for your problem solution essay depending on the referencing style such as APA, MLA, or Harvard.

2. Bring the battlefront to the introduction (Make it attractive!)

The introductory paragraph of your essay should outline the problem. As you describe the problem, also highlight some reasons why the problem has to be solved and write a definitive thesis statement, which should bear your solution.

If the problem is unknown to your audience, explain it in detail to convince them enough. Moreover, if the problem is one that the audience is familiar with, try to create a deeper understanding of its gravity. In both instances, the introduction has to convince the reader that the problem and its corresponding solutions are worthwhile.

Creative ways to start your problem solution essay

If you are wondering how to present a problem in your essay, you can easily do so by narrating a situation, which often happens in the introduction. You can as well spice it further.

Here are some great ways to introduce ideas into your essay or hook your reader:

Using these creative strategies highlighted above, anyone who is interested will read and love your essay.

Writing a thesis statement for a problem solution essay

As usual, the thesis statement comes last in the introductory paragraph. When writing the thesis statement, here are some important tips:

3. Outline your solution essay

With the introduction done, you need to dive right into developing the body paragraphs. However, just like building a house, you need to have a blueprint of the body paragraphs, which depends on the selected structure.

If you have 1000 words to put up a problem solution essay, you need to have three solid paragraphs that exclusively discuss the solution or its practicality.

Having an outline helps understand the flow of your essay. Here is a great problem solution essay outline:

I. Introduction

    1. Grab the attention of your reader using a hook
    2. State and define your problem
      • Detail the people affected by the problem
      • Tell how these people or groups are affected
    3. Write a thesis statement with the solution (s)

II. First Solution

      1. State your first solution
        • To begin with, first off, one appropriate solution to this issue.
      2. Explain how the solution will work, how it is better compared to the current solutions, and how it links to the problem. Preferrable use 3 Es: explain, expound, and example.

III. Second Solution

    1. State your second solution
      • Another solution to the problem, besides, furthermore, in addition, additionally, as well,
    2. Explain how the solution will work, how it is better compared to the current solutions, and how it links to the problem. Preferrable use 3 Es: explain, expound, and example.

III. Third Solution

    1. State your third solution
      • The last solution to this issue, finally, lastly
    2. Explain how the solution will work, how it is better compared to the current solutions, and how it links to the problem. Preferrable use 3 Es: explain, expound, and example.

IV. Conclusion

      1. Rephrase your thesis statement
      2. Highlight the main problem and the feasibility of the solutions
      3. Emphasize the need to solve the issue
      4. End with a note that makes your reader think, such as a compelling statement, personal connection with the reader, or a question for your reader.

As you write an excellent problem issue essay, ensure that you use transitional phrases and words such as, for instance, specifically, such us, to illustrate, furthermore, and, moreover, more importantly, indeed, in fact, etc.

4. Craft the Body of the Essay

Depending on the structure that you have chosen to follow, you have to develop the body of your essay.

Technically speaking, the body paragraphs of your essay bear the solutions to the problem you have identified in the instructions. When focusing on solutions, choose solutions that are:

How to convince the readers of the importance of the problem and solution

Although a problem-solution essay is not persuasive or argumentative, you still need to reach a confluence with your audience on certain issues. You need to adopt a persuasive stance to write a winning essay. It is a matter of persuading the audience, who are undecided or lightly opposed to your ideas, to accept your point of view.

As you struggle to find a middle ground, here are some tips to help convince the readers.

With these questions, you should be all set up to write body paragraphs that:

The list above can serve as a vital checklist to ensure that the body paragraphs of your problem issue paper are well developed. Always remember to balance the paragraphs and maintain an idea per paragraph. As well, have enough and relevant transitions from one paragraph to the next one. Collectively, the body paragraphs form 80% of the entire word count of your essay. So, if you are writing a 1000-word problem-issue essay, the body paragraphs should each be 267 words if you are sticking to the five-paragraph essay format. Whatever format you choose, ensure that you convince the reader of the applicability of the solution.

5. Conclude your essay by finding common ground!

Congratulations for coming this far; not so many people write essays to the conclusion phase. Having done the intro and the body, it is now time to wind yo your essay. In most instances, maintaining the conclusion in a paragraph rather than more paragraph works best.

Your conclusion must have an excellent ending, which clinches your argument and convinces the readers/audience of the best solution.

To write a vivid conclusion of a problem solution essay:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Problem Solution Essays

Here are some questions that most people ask about the problem solution essays.

Are problem solution essays similar to argumentative essays?

While argumentative essays are basically position papers, they have some element of problem solution papers. In most instances, one has to convince the readers to side with their argument, when you read our guide on how to write an argumentative essay, you will realize that your work as a writer is to let the reader know why they need to adopt a given solution. In this respect, the essays are similar in that both problem solution essays and argumentative essays:

Nevertheless, problem solution essays are exclusively focused on giving detailed plans for solving a problem. It also argues for a specific set of actions like what should be done, how it will be done, why it will work, its practicality, its cost-effectiveness, its sustainability, and many other aspects.

How do I start my problem solution essay?

As indicated above, you need to begin by using an essay hook. This can be a statistic, quote, fact, or statement. The following sentences should then introduce your problem : define it, specify its gravity, and explore the obsolete solutions in place. Finally, have a thesis statement that documents your proposed solutions. It is the only best way to begin a solution essay.

Can I use the first person in a problem-solution essay?

Not at all, unless the instructions on the essay prompt require you to reflect on a problem and its solutions. Otherwise, a problem solution essay is written in the third person and active voice.

Can I use mind maps or charts to outline the solutions?

When writing essays, the end justifies the means. However much you note the points to use in your essay, writing a perfect essay, in the end, is all that matters. Yes, you can use notes, charts, or mind maps to sketch out your ideas. It helps you put everything to its place when writing, which is great.

How can I find an appropriate solution for a problem-solution essay?

There are many ways to solve a problem. Here are a few suggestions we have:

For you to propose solutions in such a manner, you need to research the problem and solutions that have worked or flopped elsewhere. You can find something that flopped or worked elsewhere, and then, given the conditions, you adapt it to your situation.

How long should a problem solution essay be?

A problem solution essay can be anything between 400 words and 3000 words.

It can either be a page, two pages, three pages, or ten pages and above. In our experience, most problem solution essays are either 500 words, 900 words, or 1000 words long.

To determine the appropriate length of the essay, consult with your professor if it is not indicated in the essay prompt.

How many paragraphs is a problem solution essay?

Technically, a problem solution essay can take the 5-paragraph approach. However, if you have a lengthy paper, break the paragraphs into 150 words each until the word count is over. The introduction and the conclusion are always 10% of the word count each, which means that 80% of the word count should be spread across the body paragraphs.

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